"There’s no link between diabetes and diet.
That’s a white myth, Ken, like Larry Bird or Colorado."
-Tracy Jordan, 30 Rock

Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Freaking March

There are just some days that start off rough. There are other weeks that start off rough. But when the start of the day, week, and month all start off rough, well then you know that it is a Monday.
Peter Gibbons: Let me ask you something. When you come in on Monday, and you're not feelin' real well, does anyone ever say to you, 'Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays'?

Lawrence: No. No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.

Indeed. My little section of the universe is ripe for an ass-kicking.

In other news, Lowe's has started selling "Katrina cottages", small homes inspired by the need for permanent, affordable housing for folks affected by the hurricane. These homes arrive in kit form, everything included except HVAC and furniture, sort of a modern spin on Sears Craftsman style kit homes from the 20's. I'm guessing that the massive floodwater and looters are available separately.

Spurned by that, I started reading more about eco-friendly building, and came across an interesting article about the "Not So Big House" movement... basically, by utilizing spaces for multiple functions, you can create a bigger feeling house in a much smaller footprint. It sounded intriguing, until I read this part about size and budget: "But as a rule of thumb, a Not So Big House is approximately a third smaller than your original goal but about the same price as your original budget."

Um, no. Not gonna happen. If we're talking small, I want to live somewhere that is STUPID small, like bunk beds and lofted areas and the like... part of that appeal is to build a house for $25,000 or so and own it outright. If I'm going to have a monstrous mortgage payment, you can be damn sure that I'm going to have a big honking place...

The other thing I'm thinking about is the thought of having a small house, or maybe two small houses, but then a huge garage, and maybe a big utility building also. Like two 500 square foot living spaces with a 2000 square foot barn. That would be fine by me...
This blog entry hasn't been very funny, so I will leave you with this:
So these two cannibals are eating a clown.
One cannibal turns to the other and asks, "Does this taste funny to you?"


shamalam said...

Starting a Monday at 5:23 am at a computer... huh? Sounds like a fantastic day... but tell me, do you still have your red stapler?

Tree said...

Are you wearing any "flair"??

Brian said...

...red Swingline...
...21 pieces of flair...
...PST = early post times... blog settings revised...

kholdt said...

You want to live somewhere stupid small, B??? Stupid small like the office/bedroom with the kenyan deer antlers next to the outhouse?

Do you remember that??? Now that was a house!


Brian said...

well, technically that was PART of the outhouse... which had a Victorian painting and a chandelier, so yeah, somethig like that would be great.